fictional graduation project
My graduation project is also a tribute to my favorite band that accompanied me through most of my life, Linkin Park. The goal was to brand the new and upcoming (fictional) band Blue Riot that has recently been contracted and help them reach a broader audience. Expressive brushstrokes build the foundation of their branding to differentiate them from their competition.

Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator, XD, After Effects, Premiere Pro, Cinema4d

Sebastian Thiemich: concept, branding, layout, print, web design, cgi, animation, editing
my graduation exhibition booth
Poster with album release date (left) and posters for specific songs of the album (with spotify "QR"-CODE in the top-left for a quick listen)
Horizontal and vertical version of online banner applications
Website is designed as a one pager with a fixed navigation menu on the right side below the logo. In the video you can see the navigation adjusting in color to indicate the topic you are currently looking at. Purpose of the website is to introduce the band, their album and giving easy access for fans to buy tickets via links to distributors contained in a chronologically ordered schedule of pending concerts, or current album themed merch.
Additionally fans have the opportunity to register for HAVEN, Blue Riots online community hub where fans are able to chat, meet and exchange experiences with each other. You are also able to get insights from behind-the-scenes and invitations to small-scale fan meetups.

completely prototyped in Adobe XD
Key Visual early sketches
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